My second grade Hands-on Reading units are IN THE WORKS! Today, I finished up irregular plural nouns… so I’m going to show you everything that is included in this bundle…
I have to say… I LOVE THESE UNITS! They are engaging, hands-on, and so fun to teach. I love teaching.. but I want to have FUN teaching. I know that if I’m having fun… my students are, too!
I’m a strong believer that in the language arts classroom students learn best when they are reading, talking about what they are reading, conversing with their friends, playing games, moving, and involved in deep discussion. Students learn so much from each other and I truly believe that a literacy classroom should be full of meaningful conversation.
SO…. if you’re a second grade teacher and teaching irregular plural nouns… this unit is for you!
At the beginning of this unit I give you a weekly overview… This is my favorite part because I love seeing what is coming up!!
The unit is organized by days! SO… I’m going to walk you through the daily plans… but, of course, you have to make decisions based on the needs of your students. YOU are the expert in your classroom. And YOU know exactly what they need.
Day 1 – There’s a mini lesson, PowerPoint presentation, and an interactive notebook page…
I love the PowerPoint because it can be a discussion, you can use slates and markers, or you can even get out the shaving cream… The words fly in…
I’ve included two posters… and an interactive notebook page.
Day 2 – Students get to play a fun Match Up Game… There’s a few ways you can play this game!!
Day 3 – Students work with partners to play Irregular Plural Nouns in a ROW! My students always love games!!! For this game, you only need a coin and something to cover the spaces.
Day 4 – I’ve given a couple different options for day 4!
Day 5 – Irregular Plural Noun Task Cards
Day 6 – Cactus Craft
This craft is super quick and fun! Students must identify an irregular plural noun, write the plural noun in singular and plural form, then apply what they have learned by using the noun in a sentence. I have a coloring sheet option if you aren’t feeling the construction paper!!
Day 7 – Assessment
And there you have it… Next week I’ll share all about REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS!! If you’re interested in this bundle you can find it HERE!
Have a great week!
Is there any way I can purchase your irregular noun unit? I am being observed soon and this is what the lesson includes.