Balloons Over Broadway Read Aloud Activities and STEM

by Hollie Griffith

on November 2, 2022

Anyone else LOVE the book Balloons Over Broadway? Learning about the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is perfect for the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving break! And also… Macy’s added some AMAZING videos this year to teach students about the balloon design process!

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Today I’m going to share with you everything included in our new unit….

FOCUS: problem and solution, character traits, STEM

Activity 1 – (problem/solution) Introduce or review problem/solution with a mini-lesson and a classroom game. To play this game you put all of the cards in the center of the room. Each student grabs a card and then goes around the classroom to make a match. Then, put the cards back in the center of the room and play again. When you feel like your students have played enough and have a good understanding of problem/solution, their last match becomes their partner and they complete a recording sheet.

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Activity 2 – (Balloons Over Broadway read aloud) We have included a read aloud link and a questioning guide!

Activity 3 – (problem/solution story response) Students find problem/solution in the story. There are three different options included!!

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Activity 4 – (character traits) Students identify character traits and provide evidence from the text to support their answer.

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Activity 5 – (How Parade Floats are Made) – Students use the Macy’s  videos to discuss the process of designing a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon. We have included video comprehension questions to check for understanding.

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Activity 6 – (STEM Design A Balloon) – Students get a design journal and follow the design process to create their own balloons.

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Extra Activity – Vocab

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Extra Activity – Story Map

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You can find the unit HERE….

If you complete this unit with your students… I would LOVE to see some of the designs that they come up with!!! @holliegriffith_

Have the best day!!!!


Bring the Macy's Parade into your classroom.

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HG Phonics Club
Bring the Macy's Parade into your classroom.

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