by Hollie Griffith

on January 27, 2015

I love teaching reading!  And… I really enjoy engaging my students in science activities too!  I truly do believe that learning is at its best when students are engaged and having FUN!  It’s even better when they are having so much fun that they don’t realize they are learning!

I am so excited that I finally finished my Arctic Animals EXTRAVAGANZA!  And… I’m even more excited that I just put in an order for 13 owl pellets to dissect when we learn about the snowy owl!  My kiddos are going to have a BLAST!
Here’s a little sneak peek and an idea of  how I’m going to incorporate this unit into my classroom throughout the next few weeks…
We’re going to begin by learning all about the arctic habitat and we will also explore animal adaptations. 
I laminated my passages so that I could use them each year!  And… the kiddos can write directly on the text with an Expo marker.
After learning about animal adaptations we are going to explore 6 different animals… the arctic hare, arctic fox, musk ox, snowy owl, walrus, and the beluga whale. For each animal we will read a PowerPoint & learn some interesting information while focusing on main idea & details, text features, and giving evidence.  We will also complete an activity, science experiment, or craft!  Can I say again how excited I am to learn about the snowy owl?!?!
Here’s a close up of each animal…


 Option 2 – Compare and Contrast the Arctic Fox & Musk Ox
I’m excited for my students to work with partners to sort and classify arctic animals by characteristics…
My kiddos are going to be working with partners to complete their own animal research.. I’m hoping that these animal fact sheets will spark their curiosity and give them a start! I’m going to give them some options… but ultimately let them decide how they want to present their information to the class!We have been working hard on our listening, speaking, and viewing skills!
This unit also has a bunch of printables and close reading passages that I will be using with a few of my guided reading groups…
And there you have it…..
You can find find this unit HERE if you are interested…
Have a great week!!!! Today is our 100th day and it is starting off with a 2 hour delay! WOOHOO!

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