
Classroom Reveal {2015 – 2016}

by Hollie Griffith

on August 8, 2015
My room is finally DONE and ready for kids on Wednesday!!! So… get ready for a picture overload!!!
I’m going to start with a broad view and then show everything close up!!!  {I realized that I had my camera on the wrong setting when I got home… you have to ignore the ugly halo around the bright lights!  It didn’t help that sun was shining directly through the window!!}View from the door…

View from the back corner…

View from the front corner… {The 10 gallon pink tubs on the cubbies are my FAVORITE thing about my classroom. They look cute and they’re perfect for storing supplies!!}

My guided reading area…

Classroom library… I still need to add some pillows!!
The back of the room… This will be our whole group seating area.
The front of the room…
And now for the details…
This year I was all about bright neon colors on black!  I was a little worried at first about using so much black… but I LOVE it!  The black actually works to make my room so much brighter!!! I created a classroom decor collection {Classroom Brights} and I used it for my ENTIRE room!  I LOVE that EVERYTHING matches!
Our specials schedule hangs above the door…

I LOVE our classroom job board… The names are attached with Velcro so that they can be moved each week.  {Yes!!! I know I left off an “s” in the word classroom.  I need to print again!} You can download this board for FREE HERE.

This ugly pink closet holds classroom supplies. Our classroom behavior chart hangs on the door.

I’m going to add student pictures to our birthday board.


Our alphabet and number sense posters hang in the front of the room… {You have to ignore the glare!  I think I need to go back and take all of these pictures again!!!}

Number Sense Posters came from HERE

Alphabet posters came from HERE

I used the Classroom Bright editable labels to get our literacy stations ready! I keep these tubs in the front of the room!

Our daily schedule hangs by the front board.  I’m waiting to add the times after I  make sure that our schedule is staying the same this year!

This is a view of our library… My husband made the big black bookshelf to fit perfectly in my room! All of the books are organized by levels… Some are organized by genre. The top of the bookshelf holds more supplies.  I got ALL of my bright neon tubs at the Dollar Tree.


The neon paper tubs came from Really Good Stuff… And, If I could give one classroom setup tip.. HAVE A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING!  I HATE having papers piled EVERYWHERE!  AND… train those kiddos the first week of school so that they know where to put EVERYTHING!! This space gives my students a place to turn in their homework, math, and reading. I try to be really quick with grading… I’m going to be consistently walking by this space and picking up papers.  I definitely think that immediate feedback is the best!  However, it’s not so easy to give that immediate feedback for reading.  I’m usually meeting with a reading group when students are turning in assignments or literacy station work…. That’s why I like to have THREE reading tubs.  In my classroom I usually have four guided reading groups.  They are all completing different assignments, activities, and literacy stations that meet their individual needs. Each group is assigned to turn in their work to a specific tub. Even though I have four groups, two of the groups are usually working at the same level… That’s why I only have three tubs. If I give an assignment to the entire class, I just list the assignment and the tub number on the board. I don’t have a science, social studies, language arts, or writing tub…. They turn in this work in the reading tubs… It usually ends up being tub 1… ha.

Our classroom rules hang above the library.

This is a view of my area…

I got these two black bookshelves from Walmart for only $15 each.  They sit on our ugly school bookshelves… This year I decided to organize my read alouds by months.  For example, In September we learn about the rainforest, worms, and apples… so all of those books are in my September tub.  I’m really hoping that I will like the way that I have it set up!  The top shelf is perfect for storing supplies!  I am so happy to have everything labeled this year! I’m keeping two paper tubs on this shelf, behind my desk.  One tub will store my copies, and the other tub will be where I put papers that need to be copied.

I began using these magazine tubs from IKEA last year and I LOVE this organizational system!  I simply take my copied papers from the yellow tub and put them in my tubs that are organized for the week.  I put EVERYTHING that I need for that day in each tub… books, copies, patterns, etc. And… of course, I need a “to do” tub….

I love these fabric covered cork boards that hang beside and behind my desk.  I got this idea from a Pinterest!  I bought eight cork boards from Walmart.  They came in packs of four.  Then… I just cut some fabric pieces and stapled the fabric to the back of the board.  I’m now wishing that my cork board was a little thicker!!! It’s not thick enough for a push pin, but thumb tacks work great!!!

A view of my desk… I got the tiny pink lamps from Ikea. The big lamp came from Lowes.  Once I put it in my classroom, I had to go back an get another one for the front of the room.  And… I think I’m going to go back and get one more for the library area.  Each lamp has five bulbs so it puts off a ton of light.  I’m hoping that I can buy one more and the three will put off enough light to turn off those dang florescent lights.

I LOVE this IKEA storage system… My kiddos turn in all of their notes from home in the top tub. If you can’t tell… I really do believe that organization is the KEY!!! And… I hate it when my kiddos are bringing me a million papers in the morning when we are already busy!  I just tell them if they aren’t sure where to put it, it goes in the top tub and I will get to it!  Anything that comes from home {that isn’t homework} goes in this tub.

Here’s a close up of our word wall… We also have a new number line this year!  You can grab the number line for FREE HERE!

This is the back of the room… I purchased the Chalkboard Brights Calendar Set from Teacher Created and I think it looks great with my Classroom Brights Collection!!! The left side of the board is blank because it will hold student work!

Our reading genre posters hang above the board…

A broader view…

And this rug… OMG… I am in LOVE!  I found it at Kroger!! Of course, I had to go back and buy two!!!

I was in desperate need of a new chair… and I love this one!! I ordered it from AllModern. You can find it HERE. The little black stools came from IKEA.

I love that all of my math supplies are now organized! The bright tubs came from the Dollar Tree.

Here’s a close up… The labels came from HERE.

AND… I am so excited about these 10 gallon storage tubs! They fit perfectly on my cubbies and store EVERYTHING that I once hid under tables!  I’m even more excited that everything is labeled! Some of these tubs are empty and will store the extra supplies that we will need throughout the year! I have always DREADED finding a place for everything after orientation… NOT ANYMORE!!!! I’m going to line up these tubs in the back of my room and have the parents/students put their supplies in the appropriate tub… This is going to save me a TON of time!!!!


Our table buckets…

I love our cute name plates.  I especially love the fact that I was able to fit a number line and number grid on each one!!!

And there you have it… My 2015-2016 classroom…

All of my Classroom Decor came from HERE… You can check it out in my TpT store!!




I hope you have a great year!!!


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