Classroom Reveal | Farmhouse Flair Neon Tile Classroom Decor

by Hollie Griffith

on June 13, 2020

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I’m already thinking about what I want to do with my classroom next year! Our classrooms are FINALLY getting new floors… which means EVERYTHING has to come down and get boxed up… I’ve decided that if I want to change themes this is the perfect time to do it! This year I went with the farmhouse theme… but kept my neon! I also added some tile to this collection! I have to say…. I LOVED my room all year. I also just realized that I never did a classroom reveal…. so get ready for a picture overload!

Everything comes from my Farmhouse Flair Neon Tile collection. You can find it HERE!

This was our favorite area in the classroom this year! I decided to get a couch and table from IKEA. My students LOVED it! I left half of the board blank to hold student work!

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I’m so glad I went with the table with wheels! I just roll it out of the way when everyone comes to the carpet! It’s also the place that everyone wants to work!! The bottom of the table holds our Phonics Fast Reads! The rug came from Amazon…  it didn’t hold up the best!

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I added a lot of plants this year!!!  They all came from IKEA! These are fake but they look great and they weren’t expensive!

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I’ve had this green chair for like five years! It’s still going strong!

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Here’s a view of the back of our room!

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I’ve had these table tubs from Hobby Lobby for a while! They’re a little pricey but SO WORTH IT! They’ve lasted forever!

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More plants… this is a real one! AND.. can you believe it…. IT’S STILL ALIVE!!!

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The number line goes around our entire room… my students use it daily! AND… the pink tubs are 10 gallon and they came from Walmart. I’ve had them for about 5 years and they are the best purchase that I have ever made! They hold all of our yearly supplies!  And… I labeled EVERYTHING!

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This is our library area…However, my kids never sit here! They always grab their books or work and try to go to the couch, the table, the bench, and some like to use the stand to stand and work!

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I like to leave this board open too… I ended up having to put science and social studies targets up.. but I loved it when it was open to hang work!

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Nothing fancy here… but it’s my favorite space!! I love pulling kids for small groups! Definitely my favorite part of the day! And the curtains… I hung them myself with a ribbon and a hot glue gun!!! ha… don’t tell anyone! A hot glue gun definitely comes in handy around the classroom!

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This is another view of the back of the room… The black shelf holds all of our math manipulatives. Also… I ordered two sets of string lights from Amazon.

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This is just a close up of our paper trays with labels.

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Here’s a close up of our math manipulative shelf. The tubs came from the dollar store years ago… I need to go get some more!!! You can only see a piece of it… but the Job board and birthday display is posted right on the wall. I always use a glue gun… it stays up all year!

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Here’s the room with the lights out! I turn out the bright lights A LOT! In addition to the string lights I also have four bright floor lamps that I got from Lowes.  I have one in each corner of the room.

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I use these bookshelves behind my desk to store monthly read aloud and my supplies! The labels help me stay organized! These tubs came from the dollar store. They’re really old!

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And… my room wouldn’t be complete without my coffee station! I hope you get to have a Keurig in your room… I posted this picture on Instagram and I couldn’t believe how many people said they weren’t allowed! CRAZY….

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Just another view… actually… behind my desk is where I hide everything because I’m hardly ever back there. When I ask my students to put something on my desk they always put it on the reading group table… I guess if I sit during the day, that’s where I go!

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The next pictures are some close ups of some different items in the bundle…


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More labels… The library labels look like this, too!

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Tub labels…

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I use these these tubs to organize my weekly copies and books!

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Alphabet posters… the bundle also comes with a cursive option. I have these hanging in the front of my room!

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Genre posters… my students refer back to these all year long. I have them hanging above our couch. You can see them in the earlier pictures.

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Shape posters…

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Table headers… I used black ribbon to hang from the ceiling.

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Daily schedule…

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Behavior chart…

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Name plates and desk helpers… I have a version for the older kids, too!

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Word wall…

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Number sense posters… I have these hanging in the front of the room. My students use these all the time, too!

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Number line…

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Classroom rules…

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I’m sure I missed a few things… but you can find EVERYTHING in my Farmhouse Flair Neon Tile Classroom Decor BUNDLE HERE! 

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Farmhouse Flair Neon Tile Classroom Decor Collection

Happy decorating!


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1 Comment

  1. Hannah

    Where did you get the coffee cups?! I love those!


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