I’m back! It has been a long time since my last post. Three kids, husband, job, and summer….enough said. I am going to rededicate my self to the BLOG! The dreaded BLOG! Just kidding, I love the BLOG, but I can never seem to find the time. So here it is, my first post back, with the dedication to you all as my followers to do better and do more.
Just to catch you up…..Summer: We took two trips to the beach. The first being to Navarre Beach, Florida for the wedding of my cousin Cody. It was simple and beautiful.
The whole family
Addie, Sophie, and my sister Julie
We had to come home from the trip a day early for our first…..DANCE RECITAL. Can anyone say Dance MOM?
Addie and Sophie
Dad and Sophie at Recital. He was so nervous for them I thought he was going to puke.
Addie, Hayden (cousin), and Sophie
Sophie, Me, Addie
The second trip to the beach was the annual trip we take to New Smyrna Beach, Florida with my husband’s family.
Me and Beckett
Beckett contemplating the meaning of life!
Hayden, Addie, Sophie, and Beckett
Every time we go to the beach my husband ends up trying to build something new in the sand everyday. This year he made a couch, a dump truck, and a large tunnel (not pictured).
Beckett helping daddy by throwing sand in his face
Me, Beckett, and Addie on the couch
The kids and the dump truck
My husband doing his sexy pose on the couch!!
My husband’s sisters doing their Weekend at Bernie’s impression.
We were on “Lake Time” for a while!
Addie, Hayden, Sophie
We had a birthday party!
Sophie’s 8th Birthday
We made SLIME!!!!!!
We made our own soda!!!
Which didn’t go so well……
On rainy days we tried to find some indoor fun. We made a few trips to the trampoline park.
Most days we did our favorite summer time activity….THE POOL! Apparently this was hat day for us.
Walking to the pool
In the summer we try to eliminate all the extra curricular stuff my kids participate in. No soccer, no dance, no tumbling, no no no no. We try and relax and have as much fun as we can. I know you can relate, the school year is just so full, it seems like we have somewhere to go every night of the week. It gets exhausting, sometimes I have to remind myself that it is also fun. But in the summer it is time to put your feet up on a float and put a nice drink in your hand.
I hope everyone is caught up now. I won’t have to bombard you with photos ever again because I am going to blog once a week (crosses fingers). So for those of you about to start school or those of you who have already started, I hope all of you have the most amazing first week of school! I’ll fill you in with all of my details soon!